Tipsy Whispers – Labor of Love

In search of company and with the promise of books this venue came to my attention, with the promise of stories. and in the end, I learned the story of Tipsy Whispers – one of comfort, of lavish attention, and love.

The plethora of books did not disappoint, the stories are rich and vast, and the company has been nothing but pleasant. When you first enter there is a large front room with sweeping shelves of books with several comfortable seating options to curl up into if you prefer to keep the written word’s company. A staircase leads upstairs to a bedroom beyond my wildest dream which is surrounded by yet more books. Most noticeable. however, to my curiosity was a hidden staircase tucked away behind a bookshelf leading down. This is where the venue of Tipsy Whispers truly begins.

When I descended the stairs the first sound I heard was that of water gently gurgling, the second was the casual conversation, and then came the hum of a bar, and the occasional whisper of leaves rustling as people brushed by. 

 A stream of natural light spotlights the entrance, giving the place an almost magical feeling when you first arrive. It also makes the bottles behind the bar look oh so enticing, drawing you in further, and before you know it you’ll be sat at the bar chatting away with the staff or patrons.

Two friendly Viera staff the bar, perhaps some would argue too small a crew for a venue of this size but with how they work together in the busy rushes you’d think there were four instead of two. Liokki Black and Haru Shirogane are the powerhouse couple that makes this place the work of love it is.

Two menus – Cafe and Bar are artfully displayed, with prices all the same for both menus. The prices are fair for the quality of the menu, which is lavished with just enough extravagance without going overboard. There are a variety of options on the menu from the simpler wine, beer,  and cider to the delightfully detailed specialty cocktails.

Regardless of whether your palette is refined or if you craving something sweet, or even a savory offering the menu has it all without feeling overwhelming or mismatched in its theme

A bevy of barstools makes for a comfortable chatting arrangement, though there are couches on one side along with a picnic-like area with a swing and some benches. This area is covered in greenery and the source of the sound of the running water that was heard initially, with small lanterns adorning the table to bring a warm light in contrast to the blue light the large windows by the couches offer. Both side areas can be romantic little nook, a calming place for a rest should you need one, or simply a more private place to chat. 

Everything at Tipsy is built with the customer’s comfort in mind, even the height of the bar is perfect for all races and sizes.  It is all these small details that show the efforts that have gone into every ilm of the venue.

Tipsy Whispers is more than a coffee and cocktail bar, offering a sanctuary for all who find themselves in need of one. Truly this place is a labor of love.

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